Sunday, February 28, 2016

Report on my Interviews

This blog post concerns my interviews.

"Interview-tips-help-you-uncover.jpg", 10/2015; wp-content; Public Domain.

In the post, provide concise but detailed answers to the following questions about what you learned from your interviews:
  • What are the most significant or interesting genres that you learned about from your interviewees? Please identify at least THREE specific genres from your discipline/field of study that your interview subjects discussed writing within. 
  • How do these genres differ from one another? Think about things like genre convention, content, purpose, audience, message, and context as you describe these differences.
  • Based on the information you gathered in your interviews, what is challenging and/or difficult about writing within these genres (from a professional's point of view)?
  • Based on the information you gathered in your interviews, what is exciting and/or rewarding about writing within these genres (from a professional's point of view)?
  • Where in mass media - popular, academic, and/or social - can examples of this genre be found? If genre examples cannot be found within mass media easily, where can genre examples be found/located?
  • Format this post with lots of white space, clear subheadings that label all the information, and short, clear sentences that communicate the information to your reader clearly, effectively and attractively.

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