Sunday, March 20, 2016

Production Schedule

Here is a rough outline of my production schedule.

Planning: March 16-19
Rough Draft: March 19
Revision: March 20-21
Final Draft: March 22-25
Publication:March 27

The main thing I need to accomplish is to put all of the interview results and condense what is important, and separate that from anything extraneous. I moved my topic over from a podcast to a QRG, because of the complications surrounding the fact that I asked my interviewees questions via email, and I did not feel comfortable using voice actors as engineers... It doesn't seem very realistic, and would distract from the goal.

One of the major complications is how to relate what I asked my interviewees to something tangible. I'm sure that my audience would love to hear about resistors, switches, computer components... not! So I am trying to relay the subtext by which the scientific and engineering community leans on.

The main point that I am trying to convey is that engineers and scientists dwell in a hyper-competitive environment, often publishing scientific journals for the wrong reasons -- not trying to advance an idea, but let the world know just how smart they are.

Because I'm doing this in my dorm and not conducting interviews in person, all I'll need is my computer and an internet connection, and i'm good to go.

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