Sunday, February 7, 2016

My Sources

This blog post pertains to all of the sources I could find regarding Artificial Intelligence.

 User: amazonaws 01/2014, Photobucket, Public Domain.

Chinese Game of Go

This article is from, and is written by's science corresponded Geoff Brumfiel. The article was published on January 27th, 2016, which was after Zuckerberg's huge announcement about wanting to make a personal AI machine. It concerns Google as a stakeholder, since they beat Facebook to creating an AI that can play the ancient game.

How to Kill Your Master

This article originated on a r/artificial 3 days ago. It's quite intriguing because there is tons of different input, and is also extremely creative and discusses the capacity of AI to think freely. In the current state we don't understand how human learning works, and these different demonstrations of how dangerous AI can be supports Elon Musk's point that AI should not be developed for our own good.

Zuckerberg AI

Heather Kelly of CNN published an article on January 27, 2016 in response to what primary stakeholder Mark Zuckerberg told us about artificial intelligence. "There's nothing to fear," he says. This is important because it lays the foundation for the base discussion.

Is AI a threat to humanity?

Katy Bowman of published an article that basically talked about the checks and balances of AI safety. Job security is not too much of a concern, because we need people to innovate and service the robots, in essence, further supporting Zuckerberg's pro AI advancement stance.

Self-Driving Cars

Huffington Post published an article talking about self-driving cars. The reason this article is so important is because it parallels the algorithms in which a car learns to drive on its own to that of a toddler learning to play for the first time. Trial and Error. Cars are becoming more about software; the hardware of cars is not the focus anymore.

Autonomous AI Weapons

This article is from and was published on January 23, 2016. This is an important source because it basically sums up the fear-mongering community into one article. Headlines like 'robot chaos on battlefield' and 'beyond comprehension' really make sure the reader is left shaking in their boots.

Stop Worrying About AI

This article was posted on February 6th, 2016 on by Shaunak Khire. It is basically a plea to tell people to stop worrying about AI, which aligns with Zuckerberg's point. Worrying about technology is worrying about progress; it makes no sense. "Until now, technology has been an enabler, not a replacer.", a particular quote in the article says.

Microsoft AI Keyboard

Brian Fung on February 4th published an article on that discusses Microsoft's attempt to advance their status in the battleground of AI development. Microsoft bought swiftkey, the program on android phones that autotypes your texts based on your texting history combined with human logic. The end of the article is important, especially the last sentence, which is pro-Zuckerberg side, with a pointed remark about how there is no gun-toting Terminators involved with this AI.

MIT Tech Conference

This article was published on February 5, 2016. This was taken from a MIT Technology Conference. It is extremely important because it redefines ethics when robots are involved. What is the role of the robots in the workforce? When a self-driving car gets into an accident, who is to blame? The company or the person in the vehicle?

AI is Already Everywhere! published an article on January 26th discussing how AI is already a large part of our lives. Julia Borstin tells about how over $700,000,000 just this year has been poured into AI start-ups. The source concerns stakeholders from both sides (pro AI, against AI) by using factual details regarding the impact on education, transportation, security, health, etc.

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