Sunday, February 14, 2016

Peer Review 2

I reviewed Cynthia's Essay; here is my analysis. Cynthia's Review

I also reviewed PJ's QRG; here is my analysis. PJ's Review

1. What did you learn about your own project (or the project in general) by comparing drafts of the same project in different genres?

I learned that I need to add another project, include a creative title (I didn't have one!!!), and add HYPERLINKS!!! I can't believe that I forgot those!

2. I want you to plan on doing revision between now and our next class meeting on Tuesday. Tell me the top three issues or problems with your draft in its current form and what you plan on doing over the weekend to address those issues.

Top three issues:

1) No title - how am I going to draw the reader in?

2) Not enough supporting details - lots of rhetoric, not enough facts.

3) No hyperlinks - This is probably the root of problem 2. Had I included hyperlinks, it would have made it easy to point to specific articles and factoids that would relate back to my overarching themes/thesis.

3. Tell me the top three strengths of your draft. How/why are these things strengths? How will you build on them to make the rest of the draft as strong?

1) Powerful writing... it sounds extremely persuasive!

2) Coherent... one idea flows logically from one point to the other.

3) Good diction.... "brood", "dissuading"... elegant!

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