Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Interviewees as Professional Writers

This blog post concerns each interviewee and the publications they have released., "job-interview-male.jpg" 10/2014; wp-content; Public Domain

  • Give us the name of each interviewee and write a short summary of the kinds of professional publications they've authored (according to their website, CV and/or other easily findable online resources that list their publications). You don't need to include all the bibliographic information for their publications, just the basic facts.
Professor Adegbija specializes in phase-based tuning of embedded systems, which is basically just a fancy way to say that he makes parts in a computer that work to make the whole function better.

Professor Akoglu specializes in high-performance computing given standard computer limitations such as RAM (random access memory) and graphical processing unit limitations as well.

  • Track down a few of their publications online. Be sure to examine at least two different publications by each interviewee (and hyperlink us to the two examples for each). What professional genres has each interviewee written in? Explain how these genres differ from each other, according to conventions, formatting, techniques, content, and anything else that seems relevant to describe.

The context surrounding Tosiron's 1st article concerns the fact that we are now in search of low-power devices in order to power our electronics. The problem now is not the technology, it is the energy, or maybe that is a paradoxical statement.

"The (IoT) consists of embedded low-power devices that collect and transmit data to centralized head nodes that process and analyze the data, and drive actions...."

The context surrounding Tosiron's 2nd article is energy waste in computation. Computers are growing more and more efficient, but in the current state, this is because there is a lot of data leakage that goes unaddressed.

The context surrounding Akoglu's 1st article is the ever-increasing crisis involving energy inefficiency. Similar to the above articles, the crisis isn't the technology, but the energy and methods associated with it.

The context surrounding Akoglu's 1st article is the mess that concerns data flow and the inefficiency. Engineers are always looking for more ways to be efficient; Akoglu is no exception.

The overall message of Tosiron's 1st article is that there will be a data explosion caused by billions of connected devices over the internet, and that we need to perform computation on edge "in order to reduce data transmission requirements, thereby reducing latency and energy consumption".

The overall message of Tosiron's 2nd article is that phase-based methodology lowered energy consumption of apps, and overall "optimizes the data cache's miss rates and energy consumption without extensive runtime analysis."

The overall message of Akoglu's 1st article is that "results will lead to significant amount of savings in switching complexity; hence contribute to reduction in power consumption and increase the processing speed."

The overall message of Akoglu's 2nd article is that "results show that partial reconfiguration with the use of computation cores embedded in a sea of LUTs offer the potential for massive savings in gate density and switching requirements by eliminating the need for unnecessary and redundant sub-circuit pattern configurations."

The purpose of Tosiron's 1st article is to persuade people to support further research and development into edge nodes in order to delay this "data explosion".

The purpose of Tosiron's 2nd article is to highlight potential room for energy saving by switching the methods by which cache-locking is operated.

"Our phase-based cache locking methodology improved the data cache's locked contents based on the data's associated phase persistence, with minimal runtime overhead."

The purpose of Akoglu's 1st article is to persuade people to switch to this new method of packing algorithms and what not.

The purpose of Akoglu's 2nd article is to persuade programmers and designers to switch their methodology of embedding by using a new LUT based packing mechanism.

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