Sunday, February 21, 2016

My Pronouns

This blog post concerns my pronoun usage in my essay draft.
"ppronoun", 01/2014;; Public Domain.

Title the blog post "My Pronouns."
I want you to go through your entire draft, from start to finish, and make a chronological list of every pronoun you employ in the project. That is, your list will start with the first pronoun in your piece and end with the last pronoun in your piece.
List each instance of every pronoun (if you use 'he' 30 times in the piece, it will appear 30 times in the list). However, put the person being referred to in parantheses after each pronoun. For example, if the first time you use 'he' you're referring to Marco Rubio, then you'd put "He (Antonin Scalia)' in the list. If the next time you use 'he' you are now referring to Bernie Sanders, then you'd put "He (Bernie Sanders)" in the list. [NOTE: Do not include pronouns that come from direct quotations by a source, because you didn't 'author' those pronouns, you're just reporting them. Focus only on the pronouns that you authored].
Then, simply post the list of pronouns (with parenthetical indicators) in the blog post.

Here are the list of pronouns I used.

We (needs prior definition)
He (Zuckerberg)
He (Musk)
He (Gates)
They (superiors)
These (fear-mongering statements)
It (artificial intelligence)

Hardly any pronouns were used. Wow!

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