Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Peer Review

109H Grading Rubric

Project 1

Spring 2016                                                                                                                                             
The PDF of the rubric itself can be found on D2L. This is the scores assigned.
Who: 10 – Pretty plain and simple. Adequately explained who was involved, not much more to say here.

What: 8 – More details and quotes about what the individual was saying/trying to convey would push the score up

Where: 8 - Setting was introduced but not entirely expanded upon in terms of overall relevance to story, hence the 8 and not a 10.

When: 8 – For the same reason as setting; it was evident the physical location of the quotes and events, but to further drive home the overarching meaning, it would benefit you to explain its pertinence to the point you are trying to convey.

Why: 8 – It’s explained why pain medications are a huge deal, but lacks the emotional emphasis surrounding the severity of medicinal abuse that would push it over into the 9-10 category. Use some pathos!

The standard college essay format was extremely appropriate for such a complex matter. In order to present the task in such a way as to eliminate bias/incorporate the most facts possible, essays should be used because it introduces fact after fact after fact, THEN allows the reader to interpret what is going on as the argument develops. The ability to control/pace the reader’s thinking was extremely well-planned and executed, earning a score of 47 out of 50.

Adding up the scores together gives the essay an overall score of 89.

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