Sunday, April 24, 2016

Reflection on Project 3

 This blog post concerns my thoughts on project 3.

I'm so happy that it's over. I was pressed for time, but in the end, iMovie was a lot more intuitive than I remember. 

My biggest success was creating my final product. It's nice to look back at a piece of work you made. When you make the work, you can tell what to do for next time to make it easier, too. 

The biggest challenge was balancing entertainment and education. This video was a little preachier than I would have liked, but it's not a huge deal. 

Next week will be way better (for this class at least, a disastrous week for my other classes). 

I spent way more time on this project than any other, however the final product was one of my least favorite. It's weird hearing the sound of your own voice!

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