Sunday, April 3, 2016

Peer Review 10b

 This blog post concerns peer revision of Diego's outline about the San Bernardino Shooting.

This peer review concerns thoughts regarding an outline revision suggestion.

I expressed that I really enjoyed Diego's brief content outline. Even thought it was short, it was too the point. It wasn't extremely elegant in form, but it work extremely well. The outline was extremely scannable, similar to that of a QRG.

As far as incorporating from the student guide, I proposed that he add a thesis statement. That way, we can get the 5 W's (who, what...) in a single sentence. This would not only serve to allow the reader of the outline (me) what he was talking about with more ease, but also serve as the focal point so that Diego can streamline his work....

This exact point that I mentioned is what I will do. Looking through the Student's Guide to First-Year Writing, it stresses the important of a tangible, expressive thesis. By including a thesis in my outline, I, too, can streamline the project-creating process!

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