Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Reviews 13a & 13b

This blog post concerns peer reviews of two different students' research reports.

I assured Nick that each of his sources were well-explained. I knew within a few sentences each who each stakeholder was, and what they tried to convey.

However, I also indicated he needed more sources. As of right now, there are only three sources, which is below the required 8. That will hinder the process of developing a strong, well-rounded argument. 

Overall, my biggest advice was to just keep going. There isn't enough content right now.

My comment to Hannah was that she had 10 extremely detailed, well thought out sources. Each individual source was from a different, yet credible perspective.

My only concern is that she will not be able to fit all, if even half, of her desired points into her essay without an information overload. That is personal preference, but if I were reading a super long essay, I don't know how long I could keep reading, unless the paper was extremely well chunked.

Overall, my biggest advice was to trim. Find the key points, utilize those.

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