Sunday, January 31, 2016

Evaluation of General Sources

In this blog post I will discuss the sources that I will use for my story.

User:clipart panda, magnifying-glass-clipart 06/08/2008, Public Domain

  • URL: Forbes Article
  • Author: Keith Flamer
  • Last Updated: Jan 31, 2016
  • Purpose: To persuade Mark Zuckerberg that it is neither economical nor realistic to build a fully-operating servant by the end of 2016.
  • Graphics: Zuckerberg in a dope iron man suit, his mansion
  • Position on Subject: The title suggests that he is the only person in opposition of his ideals - the article aligns with Zuckerberg more.
  • Links: None

  • URL: WSJ article
  • Author: Deepa Seetharaman
  • Last Updated: 9:13 AM ET, January 4, 2016
  • Purpose: To simply introduce Zuckerberg's endeavors, but simultaneously showing amazement and disbelief that it will happen.
  • Graphics: None
  • Position on Subject: The first line of sentence both reveres his ambitions but trivializes his quest for AI ... "He wants to be more like Tony Stark"... what?
  • Links:Jarvis Video

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