Sunday, January 24, 2016

Course Projects

                         In this post, I will talk about course projects, especially what's to come.

              wmdkitty. "Procrastination" Unknown Publication Date. via Photobucket. Public Domain.

1. I am not nervous or pensive about these presentations. The reason behind this is because I know myself too well. I procrastinate until the very last second, and this will be no different. However, I am nervous of if I will be able to do it. Hopefully I can pace myself a little bit better than the last time, but I know that from past experience that might not happen.

2. I'm extremely excited to finally be able to use video and audio recording in a school project! Usually I am limited to only having an iPhone to record, but with the school-provided equipment, hopefully I can make something. I like to tinker around with electronics in my spare time and always have wanted to make youtube videos, maybe this is my debut?

3. The biggest challenge was already mentioned in (1.) , but I think that the biggest limitation for me is going to be coming up with the ideas. If I can match ahead of time which topic would mesh best with which medium, then actually executing the course work should not be difficult at all.

4. Past experiences have taught me to suck it up. When I was younger and I had to do something that I didn't want to do, I would make the worst of the situation. However I try to find the best in each circumstance now. I see what I can make of it, and try to learn what I can, even if for me (brutal honesty) that involves finishing the assignment as fast as possible. For me, I find that it's not the time that I set aside to do an allocated task, but how EFFECTIVE I can be with said limited time.

5. I want to know one thing and one thing only... Will these be presented to the class? If our target audience is you, that is way different than 20 bored college kids.


  1. Reading through a couple of these posts was all it took to realize that the number one thing people are scared of is time efficiency. I don't think that time management is the real problem. Allocating a few hours during the day to do homework isn't very hard, assuming none of us have full-time commitments outside of school like children or full-time jobs. However, where we all differ is in our capacity to make the limited time count. Everyone can set aside an hour, but can everyone accomplish the same amount in that hour? Definitely not. That is the beauty in it, we all work differently to achieve similar goals.

