Sunday, May 1, 2016

Content Outline

This blog post concerns my content outline for the final project.

I’m going to discuss the real reason that I decided to take English 109H: the fact that it was only a semester course. It had absolutely nothing to do with challenging my brain, testing my time management skills, or any precocious answer that I would have liked to be the real reason.

This is where I talk about what happened on the first project. The first project was really solid, in my opinion… Until I submitted a rough, rough draft to the dropbox…. Dang.  I will talk also about how I realized the blog posts were not something I could procrastinate…. Recall the week when we had a rough draft AND blog work due. BAD!

Body 2:
This is where I talk about how disastrous my interviews went. I conducted both emails over email. One of the professors wasn’t available. Like an idiot, I emailed him the questions I made for the other specific professor. He was grossly offended, and it reflected in his email. I could feel the passive aggression radiating through his voice when I told him I was impressed with his COLLEAGUE’S work!

Body 3:
This is where I talk about how surprised I was when I opened D2L and saw that I got an A on my QRG. At that point, I realized that it was all about the form. My QRG was much more polished – the content was arguably worse than the essay I got a 60% on, so that really goes to show that looks are everything.

Body 4:
I’m either going to talk about my favorite project, or about the project I felt was the hardest. This is a tentative holder paragraph.


Give advice to students taking the class next year. My honest advice would be to get a lot of caffeine, accept the fact there is too much work, and get over it. Get the coffee ready and crank it out.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chandler!
    I liked the content outline, I got a solid idea of what you were going to talk about in the podcast. I also like the type of language you used for the content outline since podcast's are less formal than a standard college essay. I also got an essence of how the semester went for you through this outline.
    A few suggestions:
    I liked that your outline is concise but maybe go into a little more detail on each part. I know that is difficult since it a reflection to use evidence, but a more detailed content outline will make the production of raw material easier.
    There are also no sources in this content outline. It honestly is a choice by the writer to include that, but knowing what you are going to reference will speed up production. But it is your own blog posts and reflections, so your call.
    Otherwise, I like your outline. Also, being in a major that is totally unrelated to this course and having to endure it for a semester, I totally agree with your reasoning to take this course. Best of luck with the project!
